The Stephen F. Austin Radio Club, Inc.


             An Association of Amateur Radio Operators in the Austin, Fayette and Waller County Areas



Mailing Address:          12172 FM-949

Cat Spring, TX 78933


Meetings:                      Last Wednesday of each month


Repeaters:                    145.410     (W5SFA – PL 100.0)

444.875     (W5SFA – PL 103.5)


2001-02 Officers:         President, Carl Hickman, K50WC

Vice President, Dennis Alexander, W5KU

Secretary/Treasurer, Dan White, W5AOV



 January 30, 2002


The meeting was called to order by Carl Hickman, K5OWC, at 1920 hours.  Members present are: Linda Pleasant, N5LXG, Carl Pleasant, W5MPX, Wade Eilers, W5TEN, Carl Hickman, K5OWC, and Dan White, W5AOV.


There was no meeting in November (only four members came) or December of 2001.


Old Business:          There was no old business to discuss.


New Business:


Larry Reese, WB5RTT, wanted the four tower sections and guy wire removed from his barn.  Wade, W5TEN picked up the sections and we will store the sections in Carl H. barn after the meeting.


The County has purchased three Rohn 45 tower sections and associated guy wires.  They will be delivered to the Courthouse next week.  The Club is scheduled to install the tower on Saturday February 23rd at 9 AM.  All of those who can help please come the Courthouse in Bellville Saturday morning.


The LAPC meeting for the county was held last week.  The Command Post vehicle was discussed and the radios for it have been ordered.  The Club has volunteered to install the radios and antennas in the Command Post when they arrive.


The meeting was adjourned at 1955 hours.


Submitted by:

Dan White, W5AOV
